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Home Learning EYFS

Our Rationale

We have been providing a high-quality remote learning offer since September. Feedback from parents during the Autumn term has been extremely positive. The work set is aligned with the curriculum in school, ensuring all children have access to the broad and rich curriculum which they would have had had they attended school.


We have designed our remote curriculum offer carefully to meet the needs of all our families, taking into consideration the challenges parents may face in delivering a curriculum offer whilst having their own commitments at home. We feel the mixture of high-quality work, recorded lessons, phone calls and access to a designated member of staff for support will meet the needs of all our children and their families.

My child needs support. What can you offer?

Whilst staffing levels allow, each Key Stage has a designated member of staff to support children learning from home.

Nursery and Upper Foundation Stage – Mrs Ward
Key Stage 1 – Miss Scanlon
Lower Key Stage 2 – Mrs Hemingway
Upper Key Stage 2 – Mrs Kendall and Mrs Louden

Mrs Ward will be available during the morning sessions to offer support and guidance. Please contact her via the mobile number which was sent via Parentmail on the front of the remote learning guide. During the afternoons, Mrs Ward will also be making well-being phone calls to families.

What resources does my child need to complete the remote-learning offer?

Children will need access to a device that can access the Internet. If you have not got access, please see details further down this page for further guidance. Your child should also have a home-learning pack containing;


  • A pencil and whiteboard pen

  • An exercise book

  • A Read, Write, Inc. booklet

  • A laminated sheet

  • Manipulative Maths resources


We do not require you to print work. All we ask is that you take a photograph of your child’s learning and upload it to Evidence Me with a brief description or (if using the exercise book) that you date the work. You can adapt most of the online material to practical activities however if you require any assistance, please speak to Mrs Ward who will support you with this.

How will my child receive feedback?

Teachers need to ensure children are engaging with learning at home and following the content of the curriculum provided in our remote learning offer. It is a requirement set out by the DfE that we have systems for checking daily if pupils are engaging in their learning. Therefore, we are requiring work to be submitted daily for teachers to monitor, assess and feedback on learning.

We are continuing to use the Evidence Me platform for Upper Foundation. We encourage you to send in any observations you make at home. Teachers will provide feedback on the body of work submitted daily rather than individual pieces. We ask for work to be submitted by 7pm to be fed-back by the next school day. Any work submitted after this time will be marked, but at a time which is convenient to the teacher. Where teachers can see children are struggling with the work completed, or not engaging with learning, parents will be contacted to discuss how school can support.

How will the teacher keep in contact with my child?

We want all of our children to still feel part of our daily school community, be at home or in school. Every child’s class teacher will upload a welcome message so children still see their normal class teacher. Mrs Ward will make weekly phone calls to maintain links and support families with their home-learning.

My child does not have access to a device. What should I do?

Please inform school and leave a message for Mr Davison who will contact you to discuss options available to support remote learning.

What remote digital platform are Dane Royd using?

Our digital platform is Microsoft. This will include Outlook 365 and Teams. Upper Foundation children will access home-learning via the new home learning website and the Evidence Me platform.

What devices can I access remote-learning on?

Any device that is capable of accessing the internet can access the home-learning website. If accessing from a mobile/tablet it will take you to the mobile version of the website that is not as user friendly as the desktop site. All smart mobile devices have an option to access the desktop version of websites. You can google 'how to access desktop version of website device....Apple device..’ and there are how-to-guides which can show you step by step instructions.

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